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Replace Lost Collagen With Sculptra Aesthetic in Virginia

When we are younger collagen is abundant, and it allows skin and hair to look effortless. However, with aging, collagen production decreases, and men and women look for ways to replenish it and improve their appearance.

Sculptra aesthetic is a cosmetic injectable that corrects volume loss and wrinkles without surgery or downtime. Unlike other dermal fillers, Sculptra actually restores collagen and is able to provide long-lasting results.

Here’s why collagen is so important, and how Sculptra can safely and effectively increase its production to help patients look younger and more refreshed.


Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body that is responsible for skin’s structure, tone, and firmness.

It supports elastin, which preserves shape, and hyaluronic acid, which keeps the skin supple and hydrated.


Although collagen quickly regenerates in childhood to our 20’s, its supply declines over time. Consequently, skin becomes looser and sags, and wrinkles and folds develop and deepen.

Therefore, it’s essential to strengthen the skin’s foundation and stimulate new collagen growth for facial rejuvenation.


Sculptra is a filler that is injected deep in the dermis to correct moderate to severe wrinkles and folds. It’s made of poly-L-lactic acid, which is a synthetic, biocompatible, and biodegradable substance.

Sculptra aesthetic has the unique ability to help the body to replace lost collagen and rebuild structure from the inside out.

While it works more gradually than hyaluronic acid fillers, Sculptra aesthetic aims to correct the root of the problem, and results can last up to 2 years.


Most patients require a series of 3 Sculptra treatments within a period of 3 to 4 months. The results are cumulative and occur over time, as new collagen strands develop.

The final outcome is increased facial volume and a reduction of wrinkles and folds.

For additional information about the importance of collagen and Sculptra’s ability to rebuild it, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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