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The Benefits of a Surgical Neck Lift in Northern Virginia


While an aging neck can undoubtedly add years to a person’s appearance, it can also be safely and effectively addressed with a surgical neck lift in Northern Virginia.

Despite our best efforts, there are some signs of aging that a healthy diet, regular exercise, and consistent skincare regimen cannot correct. A prime example of this is jowling, skin laxity, wrinkles, and excess skin on the neck.

If you would like to rejuvenate your neck and look and feel your best, continue reading to learn all about the benefits of neck lift surgery.


Neck lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to counteract signs of aging on the neck and restore a tighter, firmer, and more youthful appearance. It’s performed as an outpatient treatment and usually takes 2 hours.

Post-procedure, patients will need to arrange a ride home and are free to recover in the comfort of their own space.


If you are bothered by a wrinkled or sagging neck, neck lift surgery may offer an ideal solution. Some of the key benefits of a surgical neck lift include:

  1. Lifts and Tightens Loose Skin on the Neck

By repositioning soft tissue, a surgical neck lift decreases the appearance of loose skin and achieves a slimmer neck appearance. In fact, many patients note that they look younger and as though they have lost 10 pounds!

  1. Smooths Skin

Another one of the benefits of neck lift surgery is that it smooths skin and diminishes facial wrinkles and lines.

  1. Eliminates Excess Skin

Skin laxity as well as excess skin can lead to jowls and sagging. This procedure cuts away loose and excess skin to give the neck a tauter and more refined look.

  1. Minimal Scarring

Many women and men are hesitant to undergo a surgical procedure because they are concerned about scarring. With a neck lift, incisions are made in the hairline, behind the ears and under the chin, to limit the possibility of visible scarring.

  1. Quick Recovery

When discussing the benefits of a surgical neck lift, it’s worth noting that recovery is surprisingly quick and easy. Most patients find that they are able to return to work and normal activities within 1 week.


For additional information about the benefits of a surgical neck lift, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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