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How to Improve Your Neckline Without Surgery

Oh the dreaded double chin! You might be dreading the holiday season and how it can affect your neckline, but you might need to stop guilting yourself.

Some of us are simply predisposed to double chin, regardless of how well we might take care of ourselves.

And a revolutionary new treatment called Kybella might just be the answer to improving the look of our necklines.


There’s a reason our body has “problem areas.” The way our body distributes fat is a matter of genetics. Some of us may have fairly low body fat percentages… but still be nursing love handles and turkey jowls.

So if you’re dieting well and exercising, but still seeing some fat, be aware that you might be one of these individuals.

That’s all fine and dandy, but what are we to do, then? Well, a whole slew of innovative fat reduction treatments have been invented to address just this problem: treatments like CoolSculpting, SculpSure, BodyFX and more actually kill fat cells.

Keep in mind diet and exercise simply reduce the size of fat cells. So when these treatments recontour your body, it actually fundamentally changes your body shape.


So where’s Kybella fit in? Well, Kybella may just be the first fat reduction injectable.

Whereas other fat reduction treatments use temperature to kill fat, Kybella actually uses deoxycholic acid — a naturally occurring compound in your body — to kill them.

That means a short and easy treatment session, and less treatment sessions in general, for dramatic results on your neckline.

Interested in Kybella and want to know more? Find out if you’re a good candidate for this revolutionary treatment. Call Rostami OPC today to schedule your appointment.

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