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Get Bikini-ready With Coolsculpting in Northern Virginia

When you head to the beach or pool this summer, you want to look and feel your best. However, if you are self-conscious about your abdomen, flanks, or thighs, it can be hard to confidently sport a swimsuit. Luckily, there’s still time to get bikini-ready with CoolSculpting in Northern Virginia!

Continue reading to learn all about the CoolSculpting procedure, including what patients can expect should they decide to undergo treatment.


CoolSculpting in Northern Virginia is a noninvasive body contouring treatment that uses a patented cooling technology to target and eliminate stubborn bulges.

It is an excellent option for women who are at or near their ideal shape, but struggle with localized fat pockets that haven’t responded to diet and exercise.


If you want to get bikini-ready with CoolSculpting in Northern Virginia, here’s what you can expect from treatment.

At the beginning of the procedure, the targeted area or areas are marked, and a gel pad is applied to the skin. A CoolSculpting applicator is then used to gently suction pinchable fat between two cooling panels.

Once the applicator has collected the fatty tissue and is securely in place, it will deliver controlled cooling to selectively freeze and destroy fat cells beneath the skin.

Patients may notice a slight tugging sensation accompanied by the device’s cooling effects.

However, freezing temperatures cause the area to become numb within 5-7 minutes, and you won’t feel much of anything for the duration of the 35-60-minute treatment.

At the end of the CoolSculpting cycle, the applicator is removed, and the area is manually massaged for several minutes.

You are then free to get dressed and go about your day as you normally would, without any restrictions.


Patients can begin to see visible slimming and sculpting within 4-6 weeks of undergoing CoolSculpting in Northern Virginia.

Results will continue to improve in the coming weeks and usually peak by 3 months.


If you want to get bikini-ready with CoolSculpting in Northern Virginia, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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