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How to Get a Natural-Looking Facelift

Facelifts are one of the most popular cosmetic surgery options for both men and women in the United States. Last year, more than 120,000 facelift procedures were performed, making the procedure the nation’s fifth-most popular cosmetic surgical procedure. 

Why are facelifts so popular? It’s simple: They do what they’re supposed to — take years off your appearance so you can continue to look as young as you feel

What’s more, over the past couple of decades, advances in facelift techniques have improved the overall results, making them not only longer lasting, but more natural looking, too. Gone are the days of the pulled, “plastic” facelift. Today’s facelift results are softer and less severe, so you wind up looking like yourself — only younger and more refreshed.

Rostami OPC is a leading oculofacial plastic surgeon for both women and men in Reston, Virginia. If you’ve been thinking about a facelift but you’re not quite sure whether you’ll like the results, these tips can help you learn what options are available to help you get the natural result you’re looking for.

Pick the right surgeon

Sure, facelift techniques have advanced — but that doesn’t mean every surgeon has kept up with those innovations. With many types of the procedure available, you don’t want a doctor who performs only one type. 

At Rostami OPC, Dr. Soheila Rostami and Dr. Maryam Nazemzadeh are experienced and skilled in multiple techniques, so you can feel confident your facelift is tailored to your individual needs and goals. 

Know what you want — and be clear about goals and expectations

A lot of people think a facelift will smooth out all of their wrinkles, from neck to forehead, and restore youthful volume that’s been lost over the years. While a facelift can truly work wonders by lifting and repositioning sagging tissues, it’s not a solution for every aging-related issue. 

One of the benefits of a facelift is that you can combine your facelift with other procedures, like brow lifts, neck lifts, or even eyelid surgery, to make sure your treatment addresses all your concerns. 

Further, the different types of facelifts “do” different things: A “mini” facelift focuses only on age-related changes in your lower face, while a full facelift addresses wrinkles and sagging skin in your entire face. 

Then, there’s the mid-facelift, which focuses on the area around your mouth, nose, and cheeks. The mid-facelift can be performed on its own or it can be combined with a full facelift. 

Ultimately, by being clear about your concerns and your expectations, the doctor can help you decide which option is the right for you.

Take others’ advice with a grain of salt

The internet is chock full of before-and-after photos of facelifts — some real, and plenty retouched. And it’s also full of well-meaning advice from thousands of people who’ve had the surgery. But facelift surgery should be unique — as individual as you are. 

Bottom line: What works for one person may not work for you.

Consider nonsurgical options

Maybe you’d like some subtle improvements, but you’re not quite ready for facelift surgery. That might make a liquid facelift a good choice. A liquid facelift uses injectables to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and to restore lost volume in your cheeks, lips, and other areas. 

With the right combination of injectables, you can have a more youthful look without surgery. Intense pulsed light (IPL), skin tightening, and laser resurfacing treatments are other options that can improve the texture and tone of your skin, and even diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Nonsurgical treatments don’t bring results that are quite so dramatic, nor will they last as long. But you can have repeat treatments to prolong your results while you decide if a facelift is the right choice for you. 

State-of-the-art facelifts for naturally beautiful results

There was a time when a facelift focused just on tightening the skin and removing excess tissue to get rid of sagging and wrinkles. The result: A tight, pulled look that was anything but natural.

At Rostami OPC, Dr. Rostami and Dr. Nazemzadeh use the most advanced facelift techniques to reposition skin, muscle, and other tissue, so results look natural (and last longer, too). We want you to look your best — and more importantly, to feel your best, too. 

If you’re ready to schedule a facelift or if you’d just like to learn more about all of the anti-aging options we offer, call our Reston, Virginia, office at 571-252-3697 or book an appointment online today. You can also send a message to the team here on our website.

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