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How Quickly Will My Double Chin Go Away After Kybella?

How Quickly Will My Double Chin Go Away After Kybella?

Kybella® injections have changed the way women and men deal with their double chins, helping slim down this stubborn area without surgery or liposuction

Relying on a special solution to melt away under-chin (submental) fat, Kybella offers impressive results with no downtime, making them an extremely popular cosmetic treatment.

Although Kybella is an injectable treatment, it differs significantly from other injectable treatments, like fillers. Rather than offering immediate results, Kybella takes some time to achieve its effects.

Soheila Rostami, MD, Joseph Davidson, MD, and the team at Rostami OPC offer Kybella injections using a customized, patient-centered approach for optimal results. If you’ve been wondering how long it takes to see results from your Kybella treatment, we have the answer.

Kybella treatment: The basics

Kybella uses a special solution comprising synthetic deoxycholic acid, a molecule that occurs naturally in your body and helps break down fats in the foods you eat. When injected into the submental region, the solution breaks down and dissolves the fat in your chin instead.

Kybella uses very slim needles to administer the solution throughout the under-chin area. Prior to your treatment session, we numb the area using a topical solution to keep you comfortable.

Afterward, it’s normal to have some swelling and redness in the area. These effects clear up soon after your treatment. Applying cool compresses can help with any minor discomfort you might have.

What to expect from your treatment

Once Kybella is injected, the solution goes to work right away, dissolving fatty tissue that makes your chin look rounded and heavy. This process typically takes a few weeks, and you notice gradual slimming as the fat breaks down and gets carted off by your body’s waste disposal system.

Most people notice the final results of their treatment within a few months of their treatment, once the fatty debris is gone. Around that time, you should have a noticeable reduction in the appearance of your double chin, along with a more well-defined jawline.

One of the best things about Kybella: Like other injectables, your treatment can be fully customized and adjusted for your goals. 

In fact, many people opt for more than one treatment to achieve the slim contours they desire. That means if you feel you need a little touch-up after your initial treatment, we can schedule another visit for additional injections, even zeroing in on specific areas as needed.

Learn more about Kybella

Stop feeling self-conscious about your under-chin fat. Kybella can give you the results you’re looking for without surgery or its related complications. 

To learn how Kybella can work for you, call or book an appointment online today with the team at Rostami OPC today in Reston or Dulles, Virginia.

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