These Botox Before & Afters Are Scary!

Bad Botox stories never end. The Halloween season might be over, but there’s more than a few scares out there–and that’s all the more reason you need to watch out.

Bad jokes aside, the reason these Botox horror stories keep happening is because predators continue to prey upon unsuspecting innocents.


This time, horrifically, three women faced not just pain but actually life threatening conditions when a Dr. Ozan Melin injected them with beef gelatin.

Sheppard claims that she could hardly move her face for four months. The experience was like her head was on fire, she says, and she couldn’t open her eyes the evening of the injection.

Even worse, King actually went into anaphylactic shock.

Dr. Melin has been cleared of the fraud charges at this point, but he’s facing re-trial over charges of grievous body harm.


It can’t be stressed enough that if you pursue cosmetic treatment, you absolutely must do your research.

These are a few important questions to ask:

  • Is the doctor board certified?
  • Do they have a reputation for good work?
  • Is the doctor willing to talk about where they source their medical supplies so I can feel assured I won’t be injected with a harmful substance?

Especially with the rise of medical tourism, it’s all the more paramount that individuals learn these necessary soft skills to ensure their own safety–or, at the very least, that they get their desired cosmetic results.

If these before and afters scare you, you should know that these kinds of situations are exceedingly rare–and that you can avoid them if you do your proper research.

If you’re interested in cosmetic treatment, but don’t know how to go about researching your options, it’s important to talk frankly to your general physician.

If you want to know more, call Rostami OPC to schedule an appointment today.


Are you ready to explore your cosmetic treatment options? Schedule a consultation with us at our McLean, Virginia location. Our expert team is here to discuss your aesthetic goals and create a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you. Contact us today to take the first step towards your rejuvenation journey at Rostami OPC.

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