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The Most Effective Ways to Treat Blepharitis

Blepharitis is a condition in which oil glands near eyelashes become clogged, leading to redness, swelling, and inflammation of the eyelids.

It is not contagious and usually doesn’t cause any long-term damage. However, there are steps that patients can take to accelerate healing and alleviate discomfort.

If you are dealing with blepharitis, continue reading to learn how to manage symptoms at home or with medications prescribed by your doctor.


Cleaning your eyelids daily is essential when it comes to dealing with blepharitis.

To start, close the eye and apply a warm compress to help release any crusting. Next, use a washcloth, warm water, and a few drops of baby shampoo to wash away debris at the base of lashes.

If you need to cleanse along the lash margin, hold the lid away from the eye and carefully cover the area with the washcloth. It’s important to note that you should use a new washcloth for each eye.

Then, gently rinse with warm water and pat dry.

You should also avoid wearing makeup, contact lenses, or anything else that may irritate the eye until the issue has resolved.


In the event that self-care techniques are insufficient, your doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to fight bacterial infection of the eyelids. Treatment may be in the form of drops, creams, ointments, or oral tablets or capsules.

Steroid eye drops or ointments may also be recommended to reduce inflammation. Often times, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications are used in conjunction to treat blepharitis.

Additionally, medications that affect the immune system, such as Topical cyclosporine (Restasis), and medications that treat underlying conditions, like seborrheic dermatitis or rosacea, can be beneficial in the treatment of blepharitis.


If you are suffering from new or chronic blepharitis, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Rostami or Dr. Naz.

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