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Will & Grace Star Debra Messing Talks Coolsculpting

When you’re a Hollywood actress, appearing on a hit TV show, it’s important to look and feel your best. This is exactly why Will & Grace star Debra Messing decided to have noninvasive fat freezing with CoolSculpting.

And while many celebrities continue to attribute their toned physiques and smooth skin to a clean diet and rigorous exercise, Debra proudly admits that her slimmed-down look is the result of CoolSculpting.

In fact, she believes in the technology so much that she is now a CoolSculpting brand ambassador and is encouraging others in the public eye to be more transparent about their use of cosmetic treatments.


CoolSculpting Northern Virginia is an FDA-approved body contouring treatment that uses a patented cooling technology to selectively freeze and destroy fat cells. The procedure is completely noninvasive and is able to target and eliminate stubborn fat bulges without harming surrounding skin or structures.

In the weeks after CoolSculpting Northern Virginia, destroyed fat cells are gradually removed from the body by the lymphatic system. Patients can begin to observe visible slimming and contouring within 4-6 weeks. Final results are usually revealed by 8-12 weeks.


Debra Messing recently revealed that she had CoolSculpting and was thrilled with her results.

After having children, she had a pouch in her abdomen that was especially-resistant to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Rather than undergoing an invasive procedure like liposuction, Debra Messing decided to have CoolSculpting to get rid of this bothersome bulge and reshape her midsection.

In addition to achieving a flatter abdomen and looking better in a bathing suit, Debra says CoolSculpting was the perfect fit for her busy schedule. As a single-mom, who works full-time, she didn’t have the ability or desire to endure a long and painful recovery that kept her away from set and taking care of her family.

She says that her CoolSculpting treatment took 1.5 hours and allowed her to return to her normal routine right away.


While Debra Messing had CoolSculpting on her abdomen, the noninvasive procedure can be used to slim virtually any part of the body. Popular treatment areas include the abdomen, flanks (love handles), inner thighs and outer thighs, hips, back, bra line, upper arms, chin, and jawline.


If you are considering CoolSculpting Northern Virginia, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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