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Why Choose Nonsurgical Butt Lifts Over Implants


New research linking butt implants to a rare form of blood cancer is one of the many reasons that an increasing number of patients are now opting for nonsurgical butt lifts Reston.

In the past, gluteal implants were a popular approach to lifting and enhancing buttocks.

Continue reading to learn the risks associated with gluteal implants and why you should choose noninvasive over implants.


If you are considering a butt augmentation, you may be wondering: Why choose noninvasive over implants?

To start, nonsurgical butt lifts Reston avoid surgery, incisions, anesthesia, and a lengthy recovery. It is also virtually painless, requires zero downtime, and typically produces more natural-looking results.

In addition, surgeons at the University of Southern California have linked textured silicone gluteal implants to a rare form of blood cancer known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL).

Their findings revealed that one year after undergoing a surgical butt lift with bilateral textured silicone implants, the patient experienced skin ulcerations at the site of implants. Upon further assessment, she was diagnosed with ALCL, which has also been associated with textured breast implants.

Accordingly, a noninvasive approach can offer a much safer alternative to gluteal implants.


A Sculptra injectable butt lift is one of the most popular noninvasive options. It involves injecting a poly-L-lactic acid dermal filler into the buttocks in order to incite an inflammatory response. This then triggers the production of new collagen and scar tissue to visibly lift and tighten buttocks.

Optimal outcomes are usually achieved following a series of 2 to 3 Sculptra treatments. While results emerge gradually, they look very natural and offer long-lasting benefits. Patients can typically note improvements 3 weeks after their first session.

Another noninvasive butt lift option to consider is a Radiesse injectable butt lift, which works in much the same way as a Sculptra butt lift. However, Radiesse is a calcium-based dermal filler and offers immediate lifting.

Skin tightening and toning treatments, including Ultherapy, Exilis, and microneedling, can also be paired with a Sculptra or Radiesse noninvasive butt lift for the ultimate buttock transformation.


If you are considering nonsurgical butt lifts Reston, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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