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What to Do About Your Turkey Neck?

I love my turkey neck is something that you’ll never hear anyone say. But, it’s certainly on our minds, especially during the holidays when plenty of turkey is being passed around the table.

Unfortunately, as we age, we all tend to get less fit. And as we get less fit, sometimes fat will deposit itself in places we don’t want, and muscle tone will decrease nearby–leading to unpleasant cosmetic artifacts such as double chin or turkey neck.

And that’s even if we maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise!

So what can be done to combat these kinds of conditions?


For treatment under the chin in particular, Kybella was created. Kybella is an injectable manufactured by Allergan, the same company that makes Botox and Juvederm.

The prescription medicine is used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called “double chin.”

Kybella uses acids already present in the body to kill fat, has very short treatment sessions, and no downtime before resumption of normal activity.

Laser treatments also exist, but it is best to have a consultation to see which technology, if any, would benefit you the most.

Of course, conventional methods also exist, such as a typical neck lift or even a face lift. These will generally be more effective than non-invasive procedures, but will cost more and have greater downtime.

Interested in getting rid of your turkey chin before the holidays but don’t know what to do? Call Rostami OPC today to schedule your appointment.

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