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What Can a Chemical Peel Do?

What Can a Chemical Peel Do?

More than 1 million chemical peels are performed each year in the United States, making them one of the top five most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments overall. Peels are popular for a few really good reasons: They’re customizable, they’re affordable, and they work.

At Rostami OPC in Reston, Virginia, Soheila Rostami, MD, and her team offer a variety of chemical peels, tailoring each treatment to match a patient’s goals. If you’ve been thinking about adding a peel to your list of New Year’s resolutions, here’s a quick overview of the many benefits our peels can offer.

How chemical peels work

Chemical peels use special solutions to gently slough off the upper layers of damaged skin, revealing fresher, healthier skin underneath. Peels are available in different solutions and different strengths, depending on the issue you’d like to have treated. 

Many people have chemical peels to combat the signs of facial aging, but peel solutions can also refresh skin on your back, chest, shoulders, and hands. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons calls chemical peels “one of the most cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of your skin.”

Peels are performed on an outpatient basis, and most peel treatments take less than an hour. The solution is left on your skin for a specific amount of time, then it’s washed off and neutralized. Skin sloughing begins a few days later for most peels.

One type of treatment for multiple issues

While all peels use the same basic steps for application, there are lots of different peels to choose from based on the issue you want to have treated. Our peels can be a great solution for addressing:

Some peels can help improve your skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Rostami OPC offers a variety of peel options, so patients can enjoy the benefits of custom skin care for optimal results:

During your visit, be sure to discuss your concerns thoroughly so our team can recommend the best peel or combination of treatments to achieve the results you’re seeking.

Make beautiful skin a priority this year

The last couple of years have been more stressful than usual, and that shows up in your skin. Chemical peels are a great way to “reset” your skin so it looks and feels fresher, smoother, and more youthful.

To learn how we can help you get your best skin this New Year, book an appointment with Rostami OPC online or over the phone today.

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