This Popular Injection Can Now Melt Stomach Fat

Losing weight is a popular New Year’s resolution and for patients looking for a reliable method to get rid of stomach fat to help kick start their 2018 gains are in luck.

According to Miami dermatologist S. Manjula Jegasothy, Kybella is the latest stomach fat killer.

While Kybella injections are well known for being the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce fat under the specific area of the chin, the Miami derm says she’s seen great results in other areas of the body–including upper arms, saddlebags of the thighs, knees, bra line, abdomen, love handles, “muffin tops,” and inner thighs.

“Kybella, which is deoxycholate [a bile-derived salt similar to what the gallbladder naturally produces] works by emulsifying, and therefore, destroying fat cells in the areas where it is injected,” said Dr. Jegasothy. “The body’s immune system then resorbs the fat cell remnants over a period of one-to-three months.”

As Dr. Jegasothy explained to New Beauty, Kybella emulsifies fat cells permanently, so the results are permanent.

“However, there are always residual fat cells remaining in any treatment area, so if you gain a significant amount of weight (10 pounds or more), then the residual fat cells will accumulate larger amounts of fat and become larger themselves, therefore, reducing the appearance of the fat-reduction result,” said Dr. Jegasothy.

Interested in Kybella or another treatment to help you achieve your goals in 2018? Call Rostami OPC today to schedule your appointment.

Kybella Injections Might Be Right for You If:

  • You’re bothered (unhappy, self-conscious, embarrassed) by fat under the chin, also known as submental fullness
  • You feel the condition makes you look older or heavier than you actually are
  • You don’t want to have surgery
  • You eat well and exercise, but submental fullness does not go away


Are you ready to explore your cosmetic treatment options? Schedule a consultation with us at our McLean, Virginia location. Our expert team is here to discuss your aesthetic goals and create a personalized treatment plan tailored just for you. Contact us today to take the first step towards your rejuvenation journey at Rostami OPC.

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