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The Ins and Outs of Eyelid Surgery


Eyes with excess skin, volume loss, or bulging fat can quickly age people’s appearance and make them look tired or sad. These issues can even interfere with vision and daily functioning.

That being said, blepharoplasty surgery can safely and effectively rejuvenate skin and make eyes look refreshed and younger.

In fact, eyelid surgery is one of the most in-demand surgical procedures for its ability to transform the face with a short period of recovery.

So, is a blepharoplasty right for you? Here are the ins and outs of eyelid surgery.


Eyelid surgery is frequently referred to as a blepharoplasty and involves repair of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.

It should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon that has expertise in facial procedures.


For upper blepharoplasty surgery, excess skin and fat are removed and a stitch is then used to recreate an upper eyelid crease.

Comparatively, lower eyelid surgery involves an incision below the lash line or inside the eyelid to excise skin and remove or add fat. It can be performed without any visible scarring.


Patients often seek upper eyelid surgery to correct heavy lids, aged skin, puffiness, and drooping that can impair vision.

Lower blepharoplasty surgery is used to address excess or crepey skin and improve contours of the eye.


To properly prepare for eyelid surgery, patients should be well-informed of the treatment indications, benefits, risks, recovery, and costs.

Additionally, it’s important to comply with pre-operative instructions, including blood work or other testing that’s needed to clear an individual for surgery.

Gathering all prescribed medications and post-surgical supplies such as gel packs, artificial tears, and gauze is also a good idea before a blepharoplasty. That way patients have everything waiting when they return home.


Recovery from eyelid surgery can take anywhere from 7-10 days. Most common side effects are bruising and swelling, which can be treated with cool compresses for 48 hours.

The incision sites will need to be bandaged for several days, and stitches will be removed within 7 days.

After 2 weeks, almost all residual swelling and bruising should subside.

For additional information about blepharoplasty surgery in Reston, VA, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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