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Sculptra Vs Radiesse: Battle for Best Injectable Butt Lift


Would you like to improve the shape, size, and position of your buttocks? Have you tried countless exercises to lift and tone your backside, without success? Are you looking for a nonsurgical alternative to a Brazilian butt lift. If you answered yes, then a Sculptra or Radiesse injectable butt lift can offer an ideal solution.

Continue reading to learn the benefits of a Sculptra vs. Radiesse injectable butt lift Reston and which one may be right for you.


An injectable butt lift Reston is an in-office procedure designed to reshape and lift buttocks without surgery, incisions, implants, and downtime.

For patients who wish to avoid a lengthy recovery, a noninvasive butt lift is an excellent alternative to a BBL. It’s also well-suited to individuals that want a fuller, perkier backside, but do not have enough transferable fat for a BBL.


An injectable butt lift is an extremely popular noninvasive technique. It involves injecting a dermal filler, such as Sculptra or Radiesse, into the buttocks in order create a more lifted and shapely appearance.

When it comes to deciding between a Sculptra vs Radiesse non-invasive butt lift, the choice of filler often depends on the patient’s goals and injector preference.


If you are considering a Sculptra vs Radiesse injectable butt lift Reston, it’s important to understand how each treatment works and what to expect from the procedure.

Sculptra is an FDA-approved filler made of poly-L-lactic acid that stimulates the creation of new collagen that helps volumize and lift buttocks. Most patients require 3 injectable treatments, spaced 6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal enhancement. Results occur gradually with increased collagen production.

Radiesse is a calcium-based filler that also promotes neo-collagenesis to plump and elevate buttocks. Clinical trials have shown that, in a diluted/blended form, it can correct cellulite, stretch marks, and other surface irregularities.

Results are both immediate and progressive. Patients often need 3 Radiesse treatments, scheduled 3-4 months apart.


If you are debating between a Sculptra vs Radiesse injectable butt lift Reston, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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