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Off-label Kybella Treatments: Destroy Fat With Injectables


Whether a result of aging or genetic predisposition, a double chin can cause individuals to feel self-conscious about their appearance.

It can also lead to frustration, as adipose tissue in this area is often difficult to eliminate through a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Fortunately, Kybella is a non-surgical treatment that is FDA-approved for the reduction of submental fat.

While it’s known for its ability to shrink a double chin, plastic surgeons and dermatologists are also using Kybella treatments to reduce fat bulges on other areas of the body.

Here’s what patients should know about the many uses of Kybella.


Kybella is a cosmetic injectable that’s comprised of a synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a substance that naturally occurs in the body and breaks down dietary fat.

Therefore, once injected into pockets of excess fat, Kybella treatments are able to destroy stubborn adipose tissue.

Most patients require 3-6 Kybella treatments, spaced a month apart. It takes several weeks to see results, and optimal effects can be noted around 12 weeks.


After undergoing rigorous testing, products and drugs can gain clearance by the FDA for specific uses. As such, Kybella is FDA-approved for the treatment of submental fat under the chin.


Additionally, Kybella has been used off-label to decrease pockets of fat in the underarms, love handles, and abdomen.

The off-label use of this product means that it has not been specifically evaluated for treatment of these areas by the FDA.

However, in the hands of an experienced and skilled injector, Kybella can be effectively used to target resistant fat in other areas of the body.

A number of aesthetic experts have had success with Kybella for facial lipomas and bra fat – the area of fullness that’s in front of the arm crease.

Many providers state that treatment of bra fat is usually safe as long as it’s confirmed to be the result of adipose tissue and not breast tissue.

Nevertheless, certain off-label uses of Kybella can carry considerable risk. Two areas that should be avoided are eyelids and jowls, as there is the potential to damage nerves.

For additional information about Kybella treatments in Northern Virginia, please call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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