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Kybella to Treat Saddlebags and Thigh Fat

For many women, saddlebags and thigh fat can be particularly stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise.

Fortunately, an expert injector, like Dr. Rostami or Dr. Naz, can precisely target and eradicate these pesky bulges with an injectable treatment called Kybella.

Continue reading to learn why more and more patients are turning to Kybella in Northern Virginia to treat saddlebags and thigh fat.


Kybella is a nonsurgical injectable treatment designed to target and destroy localized fat pockets.

While it’s specifically cleared to treat submental fullness (also known as a double chin), experienced injectors often use Kybella off-label on other areas, including saddlebags, thighs, underarms, and knees.


Kybella in Northern Virginia is comprised of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. When injected into excess adipose tissue, it dissolves fat cells, which are ultimately cleared away through natural detoxification channels.

Most patients require a series of 2-6 Kybella treatments to achieve permanent fat loss.

And while destroyed fat cells are gone for good, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight is the best way to preserve Kybella results for years to come.


There are a number of reasons patients choose Kybella in Northern Virginia to treat saddlebags and thigh fat.

To start, the treatment is nonsurgical and avoids incisions, anesthesia, and downtime.

It is also quick and relatively painless. If you are concerned about sensitivity during injections, your provider can administer a local anesthetic prior to treatment.

What’s more, Kybella in Northern Virginia allows for targeted fat reduction and can treat smaller areas that don’t readily fit into pre-sized treatment applicators.

Best of all, because it actually destroys subcutaneous fat cells, Kybella yields permanent fat reduction where you need it most.


If you are interested in Kybella in Northern Virginia to treat saddlebags and thigh fat, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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