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Is the Facelift Recovery Worth the Rejuvenation Results?


For women and men who want to eliminate sagging skin and restore youthful facial contours, a facelift can offer an effective and long-lasting solution. However, some patients may be hesitant to undergo this facial rejuvenation procedure because they are concerned about associated facelift recovery and downtime.

So, is the facelift recovery worth the rejuvenation results?

Continue reading to learn everything patents can expect from the facelift recovery process.


If you are considering plastic surgery to correct signs of facial aging, you may be wondering: Is the facelift recovery worth the rejuvenation results? In order to properly assess the situation for yourself, here is a detailed description of what patients can expect the first month after undergoing a facelift.


Facelift is performed on an out-patient basis, and you will be able to return home post-procedure. A friend or trusted adult will need to give you a ride and provide support for the first 24 hours of your recovery.

During this time, you may feel sleepy and experience pain, tenderness, and discomfort. The latter effects can be effectively managed with prescription pain medication.


On day 2, you will attend a follow-up appointment with your surgeon who will evaluate your incisions and swelling. At the end of the meeting, she will redress your incisions.


You will likely notice bruising and swelling, which will gradually begin to dissipate. It is a recommended that you continue to rest and give your body time to heal.

DAY 4-6

At this point in the facelift recovery process, most patients are feeling well enough to discontinue prescription pain medication and do some light activities around the house.


By week 2, you will be pleased to note a considerable reduction in swelling and bruising. However, you may experience some mild numbness or tightness.


Rest assured that by week 3 and 4, most women and men are able to return to work and light exercise. You will also be able to appreciate your results and see visible improvement in facial contours.


If you are considering a facelift in Northern Virginia, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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