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Is PRP for Me?

These days, you have lots of options for rejuvenating skin that’s been damaged by age or other issues, and some options are more popular than others. 

While chemical peels and laser treatments have been around for a while, a more recently introduced treatment is gaining in popularity: PRP with microneedling. In fact, in 2019, about 130,000 PRP treatments were administered to help both women and men enjoy healthier, more beautiful skin. 

At Rostami OPC, our team uses the most advanced methods for PRP facial rejuvenation to help women and men in Reston, Virginia, enjoy softer, smoother, more youthful skin. If you’ve been thinking about PRP for your skin concerns, here’s how to tell if it’s a good choice for you.

How PRP works

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, a product derived from blood. 

Plasma is the liquid part of blood, while platelets are cells that help your blood clot after a cut or other injury. Platelets contain special proteins called growth factors that play an important role in your body’s healing responses.

PRP is obtained from a sample of your own blood. After blood is extracted, it’s processed to separate the platelets and plasma, and then the platelets are concentrated. The final product is PRP, and it can be used in several ways:

Once PRP is readministered, those growth factors go to work to help your tissues heal naturally.

At Rostami OPC, we use PRP in combination with microneedling, a process that helps the PRP reach the deeper layers of skin where damage has occurred. 

Once PRP reaches those deeper layers, the growth factors get to work, promoting those natural healing responses needed to help your skin look and feel its best. 

Microneedling with PRP also increases your skin’s production of collagen and elastin, two important components that help skin look and feel firm and resilient. 

It’s this combination — concentrated growth factors combined with increased production of collagen and elastin — that makes PRP so successful in treating age-related damage, as well as scarring, fine lines, and uneven skin texture.

Best candidates for PRP

PRP can be a great choice for both women and men who want to rejuvenate their skin and reduce or even eliminate some of the signs of aging and other damage. It could be a great choice for you if you have issues like:

Because PRP is made from your own blood, you don’t have to worry about allergic reactions that can occur with some other products. Plus, the entire treatment can be completed right in our office, from taking the sample of your blood to processing it to readministering it to your skin.

While PRP treatment can be a safe, effective option for most people, it’s not an ideal choice for everyone. For instance, since PRP treatment involves microneedling, it might not be a good choice for someone who has a medical condition that could interfere with healing. 

It’s also important to have realistic expectations about what PRP and microneedling can do. While this treatment can help improve the tone and texture of your skin and reduce the look of scars and other damage, it’s not intended to treat deeper lines and wrinkles or dramatically lift sagging skin.

Help your skin look its best with PRP

PRP with microneedling is growing in popularity for lots of good reasons: It’s effective, it’s quick, and it can be done right in our office with minimal downtime afterward. 

If you’d like to learn more about PRP treatments at our Reston, Virginia, office, call Rostami OPC at 571-252-3697 or use our online form and book your consultation today.

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