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Dissolve Armpit Fat (Aka Bra Bulge) With Kybella


You may have heard of Kybella in Northern Virginia as a non-surgical alternative for a double chin. But did you know that it can also be used to eradicate stubborn fat bulges that many women encounter in their underarms?

If you are frustrated by underarm pooching and want to comfortably wear tank tops and sleeveless dresses this summer, you should consider Kybella in Northern Virginia for armpit fat, aka bra bulge.

Here’s what patients can expect should they decide to undergo this fat-busting procedure in Northern Virginia.


Kybella in Northern Virginia is a non-surgical injectable treatment that delivers a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid in order to permanently destroy fat cells.

While Kybella is FDA-approved to eliminate submental fullness/double chin, experienced injectors have found additional uses for this fat-dissolving treatment, including Kybella for armpit fat.


Patients that undergo Kybella for armpit fat in Northern Virginia can expect a quick and virtually painless in-office procedure.

Treatment is administered as a series of injections, with an ultra-fine needle, to the localized pocket of fat. Individuals may experience a slight pricking sensation during the 15-20-minute treatment.

Within the coming weeks, the destroyed fat cells are naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system, and your underarm pooch will begin to gradually shrink.

Although patients may note some minor swelling for a couple of days, you won’t have any activity restrictions after Kybella in Northern Virginia for bra bulge.

In fact, you are free to return to work and go about your day as you normally would.


For optimal fat removal and contouring, a series of 2-4 sessions, spaced 6 weeks apart, is recommended. Most individuals can see visible improvement in 4-8 weeks, which progresses through the course of treatment.

If you are considering Kybella for armpit fat in Northern Virginia, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami or Dr. Naz.

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