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4 Popular Uses for Botox and Dysport

 4 Popular Uses for Botox and Dysport

As we age, it can seem like everything starts to sag — including your forehead. And as your forehead starts to droop, it brings your brows along for the ride. Over time, your eyes can take on a hooded, tired look — all because of sagging brows. 

To understand how Botox and Dysport lift brows, you need to know a tiny bit about brow anatomy. 

Your eyebrow movements are controlled by two sets of opposing muscles: one set that lifts your brows and one that brings your brows down. You can see these opposing muscles in play by simply raising your brows and then scowling.

In this treatment, injections target the specific muscles that pull your brows down, which means your “lifting” muscle has more power to do its job. Because this treatment is so popular and effective in subtly lifting drooping brows, it’s often referred to as a nonsurgical brow lift. 

2. Neck bands

Also called platysmal bands, neck bands are vertical bands of muscle tissue that become a lot more visible as we age. Genetics, muscle activity, and thinning skin may all play a role in these visible bands and explain why they’re more obvious in some people than in others.

While you might want some muscles to be more visible, like your biceps or your abs, most of us would rather not have pronounced neck muscles. 

Botox and Dysport can help by relaxing these muscles and preventing them from “flexing.” The result: Smoother neck contours that look more youthful and less stressed out.

3. Forehead lines

Horizontal forehead lines are another common sign of aging — one that can make you look perpetually tired out and maybe even a little bit annoyed or worried. 

Like other “dynamic” wrinkles, forehead lines form after years of facial expressions, eventually becoming etched into your skin so they’re always visible — even when you think your face is relaxed.

Botox and Dysport can smooth out forehead lines by targeting the muscles that tug on your skin when you make facial expressions. When these muscles are “relaxed,” your forehead can appear smoother, and with regular touch-up treatments, you can maintain your results indefinitely.

4. Gummy smiles

Most people think about Botox and Dysport in terms of treating wrinkles, but they have other uses, too, including treating so-called gummy smiles. A gummy smile is a smile that reveals a lot more of your top gum. 

Although there’s nothing medically wrong with a gummy smile, it does interfere with smile symmetry — and it can make you feel self-conscious.

Botox and Dysport work to correct a gummy smile by targeting the overactive muscles responsible for lifting your upper lift. By relaxing these muscles, excess gums aren’t revealed, and you can enjoy a more symmetrical smile.

These are just a few ways Botox and Dysport can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Even better: Both agents can be used alongside facial fillers for a “nonsurgical facelift” that can almost literally turn back the clock on facial aging.

If you’re ready to learn about all of the benefits Botox can offer — and how Botox can benefit you — call 571-568-8716 or book an appointment online with the team at Rostami OPC today.

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