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5 New Year’s Resolution-inspired Treatments

New year’s resolutions signify a fresh start and the opportunity for self-improvement. As such, many people decide to make positive changes involving their diet, exercise, and skincare routines.

These lifestyle modifications are essential to long-lasting outcomes and are often paired with cosmetic procedures to fully transform the way a person looks and feels.

Continue reading for 5 popular new year’s resolution-inspired treatments.



One of the most popular new year’s resolution-inspired treatments is liposuction. The surgical procedure is designed to eliminate unwanted pockets of fat and sculpt common trouble spots like the abdomen, flanks, thighs, back, chest, upper arms, and under the chin.

Women and men often seek liposuction to address fatty areas that have not responded to clean eating and exercise. Alternatively, lipo can help patients kick-start a new fitness regimen with confidence.


After having children or losing a large amount of weight, it can be quite difficult to tighten and tone your midsection. This is true even with a healthy diet and focused workouts.

Fortunately, a tummy tuck is able to trim away excess skin, tighten loose or separated muscles, and reshape the abdomen so it’s in proportion with the rest of the body.


Other new year’s resolution-inspired treatments to consider include noninvasive body contouring, like CoolSculpting Reston. These procedures avoid surgery and downtime and are equipped to target localized fat pockets, tone muscles, and strengthen the core,


No amount of diet, exercise, or lifestyle modifications can adjust the size, shape, or proportions of your nose. That’s why many patients elect to undergo a surgical nose job or injectable rhinoplasty using dermal fillers at the start of the new year.

The surgical procedure makes precise changes to nasal structure in order to improve facial harmony and balance.


Breast size is another concern that cannot be addressed without the help of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. Using silicone or saline implants, breast augmentation is able to add volume, fullness, and firmness, highlight feminine curves, and boost confidence.


If you are considering any of these new year’s resolution-inspired treatments, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami, Dr. Naz or Dr. Birely.

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