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Destroy Sagging Skin and Double Chins With Kybella


Looking for a way to combat a double chin or sagging skin without surgery? Try Kybella Reston!

Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment that targets fat under the chin in order to dramatically rejuvenate the face and neck.

If you are interested in eliminating your double chin and achieving a slimmer neck and more defined jawline, continuing reading to learn all about Kybella Reston.


Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to destroy submental fat cells that accumulate beneath the chin. It is an excellent nonsurgical alternative to liposuction and addresses not only excess fat, but also sagging skin around the cheeks and jawline.

How Can Kybella Eliminate a Double Chin and Sagging Skin?

Comprised of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, Kybella Reston is strategically injected to dissolve and permanently destroy fat cells. The treatment takes less than 30 minutes and is performed in the comfort of our office by board-certified plastic surgeons and leading injectors Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.


Many women and men seek Kybella because they are bothered by a double chin, facial roundness, submental fullness, or jowling. The quick and nonsurgical procedure simultaneously combats all of these signs of aging and produces more defined cheeks, a sharper, stronger, and chiseled jawline, and a slimmer and more youthful neck.

As a result, patients look refreshed and lighter and feel more confident and secure about their appearance.


One of the key advantages of Kybella is that it doesn’t require any downtime. Following treatment, patients may experience redness and mild swelling for 2-3 days. These effects typically resolve on their own and shouldn’t interfere with daily activities.

This means that patients can return to their busy lives immediately after undergoing Kybella injections.


The number of recommended treatments may vary depending on patient goals and the degree of correction desired.

With that being said, most women and men can achieve optimal slimming and rejuvenating effects with a series of 3-4 Kybella treatments.


If you are considering Kybella Reston for a double chin or skin sagging, please contact our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Rostami and Dr. Naz.

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